September 22, OMS: Safety Drills Communication


Dear Oxford Middle School Families,

Our school year is off to a great start!  As we settle into our new routines together, it is important for us to teach our students our emergency procedures.  Drills for responding to emergency situations (including evacuation, shelter-in-place, and lockdowns) are mandated by the state to ensure all children and staff have this important knowledge. It’s crucial that our students and staff are prepared and trained as a part of our district’s commitment to safety.

We understand and respect that every family, every child, and every staff member may have different perspectives as it relates to these drills.  OMS is equipped with a team of mental health professionals who will be available to your students and families should any need for support arise. Prior to sounding any alarm or performing any drill, we will first have classroom activities with presentation slides and videos, showing our students the emergency tools and equipment in the building and how to use it.  This includes the NightLocks that each classroom is equipped with. Experts suggest that these lessons may help to improve your child’s perception of safety by empowering them with the skill set to respond in an emergency.

Please note, our first lessons will take place on both September 28th and 29th during Advisory. We have attached the materials that will be shared with your student(s). Our first drill will take place during our 2nd Advisory period on the 28th. This structure will place the drill in between both lessons enabling staff and students to prepare, practice and reflect on our procedures. Please take some time over the next couple days to talk with your child about the upcoming exercises in class.  Please encourage your child to reach out for help before, during, or after the exercise, as our mental health team will be checking in on students throughout the building.  Contact your child’s counselor if you have specific concerns about their ability to participate in the lessons and drills.  Our counseling office has already prepared additional supports to put in place prior to, during and after the drill to ensure students are supported who may have difficulty.

9.28.23 OMS ALICE Intro..pdf 

9.29.23 OMS Nightlock Practice.pdf  

Please begin preparing your family for that now and let us know how best to support you. We are here to help as we continue to take these important steps forward together.


Brad Bigelow, Principal

Oxford Middle School